Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday morning

Friends and Family, Friday morning for the White Familly is a very buisy morning.  It is our errand day.  It is my job (Rebekah) to get Sarah ready in the morning.  I put a shirt that was a little bit big on her, and she came out to Mamma and said, Mamma, I has an unergarment! Mamma simpley replied, Oh, that is really an over garment.........  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One more thing for the post, "What the name of the blog means

When I put down the post,"What the name of the blog means", I also ment to put down that Daddy and Mamma would call me there Little Lamb.  Mamma says she would enjoy hearing me go aroud the house singing, Mary had a yittle yamb, yittleyamb, yittle yamb............

Friday, March 23, 2012

Somthing went wrong

Hi all and everybody! I am very sorry that the post "Our Home" got messed up. I ment for it to be diffrent then how it is. I can't find out how to chang it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our home

We have swing out back, that is loved by everybody. Here are a few pictures of people swinging on it.

A picture of my favorite place to swing from,
which is out of the tree.


                                                  This is the family dog, Henry.

                                             This is a video of Henry.

What the name of the blog means

When I was just a wee thing, I would love to sing, "Mary had a little lamb" but, I would sing it all in my own "Baby language". I would call it, "Yittle Yamb". That is why I called my blog, "Da Yittle Yamb".

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Banjo lessons

Hi everybody!
My name is Rebekah and I am 9 years old. I live in Boone NC.  Every Monday, Elizabeth, has her banjo lesson.

Here are a couple pictures from a few Mondays ago.