On Tuesday we left for Beech mountain for a ski trip with the Kennedys and a few other families. We got back Today, Saturday, and it feels very good to be home. Everyday was more fun than the last. A group of about 20 people going up and down the mountain all day, then around five o'clock there were tons of card games, huge cups of hot chocolate, then in the evenings there are about 15 people in the hot tub. VERY stuffed! One particular night almost all of us where in the hot tub when we had a contest to see who could run across the slopes, (which had just been groomed that night,) and see who could touch a pole of the lift which was on the other side of the slopes. Of course we left footprints all over the slopes and ran to jump in the hot tub to warm up our burning feet! Just at that moment the Snowcat, (the groomer,) came back up the slope again... We were being ever so quiet but when he saw all the foot prints he began to shine his spotlight. Someone who had more room than the rest of us said to duck, but nobody had room to get down. I was in the front facing the slopes and when his spotlight rested on us everyone started screaming! We were terrified! Then he got out of his machine and asked if we could do him a favor. "Just stay off the slopes!" he had called. We all felt pretty bad. No one did it again.
We had tons and tons of fun.
Our sweet hosts, the Kennedy's grandparents, known to most as Gigi and BK. |
The view from the top of the mountain. |
When Saturday came it was departure time for all.
Leaving sweet notes for Gigi and BK in the guest book. |
After most of the families had gone just the Kennedys and we were left. We decided to go to Fred's, to have lunch with them. The oldest five of each family wanted to hike there. (It wasn't that far..)
Getting closer... |
And closer... |
At last! |
Lunch was very yummy....
Here is a cute video of a squirrel I tried to upload.
After all the excitement it was good to be home again.